Change Work Life – Career, Business and Executive Coaching

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I help you to:

  • Find out what work lights you up and leaves you feeling satisfied and proud of what you do, and how you can do less of the things you don’t enjoy.
  • Uncover the things that are important to you – your strengths, what you enjoy, your values – and learn how to live those things to the full.
  • Create a roadmap of the actions to take to increase your enjoyment of work (and life).
  • Overcome those thoughts, feelings and doubts you might have which are holding you back and preventing you from taking positive action.
  • Figure out what you want to be when you grow up!


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    Change Work Life – Career, Business and Executive Coaching 3 reviews

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    3 reviews
    • Andy

      Jeremy is an incredibly thoughtful coach, meeting you on your level to help unlock insights and growth.

    • Margot

      Jeremy is extremely helpful. He operates from a perspective where he really believes that coaching is something that can really help people who are in need of a change but aren’t sure how to do it. If you need someone to help you figure out your next steps in life, I recommend Jeremy.

    • Rachel Geyer

      I enjoyed a really useful coaching session with Jeremy. Life in the Bitcoin space moves at a tremendous rate of knots and with Jeremy’s guidance I was able to collect my thoughts and pinpoint where my focus needs to be going forward. Very valuable experience.

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